Local June 18, 2018 | 12:53 pm

Odebrecht bribes ‘bagman’ wants 106 witnesses

Santo Domingo .- Odebrecht case top defendant Angel Rondón on Fri. asked the court to call as witnesses anyone and six other defendants linked to the 16 contracts in the indictment.

The defense of the “bagman” request as witnesses all senators in the finance committee, all works supervisors, all the conglomerates, legal consultants who drafted the contracts; all the deputies of the finance committee, the Presidency’s consultants, the Budget Directorate, the Treasury, the Finance minister, as well as the managers of the Sate-owned Reservas bank.

“Everyone who has had to see and has signed a contract for that has to come to explain if our client ever offered a gift or have once they accepted a bribe,” Rondon’s defense said in a statement.

Rondón’s ‘witnesses’ list

1-José Tomás Pérez

2-Dionis Sánchez Carrasco

3-Julio Cesar Valentín

4-Charles Mariotti Tapia

5-Vicente Bengoa Albizu.

6-Daniel Toribio.

7-Guido Gómez Mazara

8-Marino Antonio Collante Gómez

9-René Polanco

10-Ruddy González

11-Máximo D’Oleo

12-Juan Temístocles Montás:

13-Rafael Calderón Martínez:

14-Eddy Marte

15-Jorge Frías

16-José Santana

17-Cristian Paredes

18-Bolívar Bello Belliard

19-Rafael Humberto Villalona Calero

20-Pedro Pichardo

21-Pedro Francisco Delgado Malagón

22-Luís José Placeres

23-Roger de Los Santos

24-Rafael G. Suero Miliano

25-Víctor Guzmán

26-Rafael Ruiz

27- Luis Alberti (Fallecido)

28-Francisco Álvarez

29-Romery Cuello

30-César Sánchez Torres

31-Petra Rivas

32-Rafael Candelaria (fallecido)

33- José Lois Malkún

34- Ricardo Ayanes Pérez Núñez:

35- Gerardo César Ramón Pina Toribio

36- Abel Rodríguez Del Orbe

37-Luís E. Pérez Cuevas,

38-Rubén Peña Pichardo,

39-Luís A. Hernández García,

40-Edgar Adolfo Victoria Yeb,

41-Juan de Jesús Sierra Heredia,

42- Héctor Leonidas Guilliani Cury

43-Héctor Antonio Andújar Jiménez

44-George Manuel Hazoury

45-Manuel Lara Hernández,

46-Daniel Toribio Marmolejos

47-Enrique Ramírez Paniagua,

48-Pastora Méndez de Fondeur

49Luís Antonio Hernández García

50-Rubén Darío Peña Pichardo,

51-Guaroa Guzmán Ibe

52-Alberto Eligio Perdomo Piña,

53-Manuel De Jesús Pérez Gómez

54-Ana Julia Castillo

55-Josefina Montás Ureña

56-Abraham Morel Morel

57-Alberto Holguín Cruz

58-Reina Marín Infante

59-Manuel Tillán

60-Rafael Polanco,

61-Nelson Solís

62-Diego Hugo de Moya

63-Manuel de Jesús Estrella Cruz

64-Abraham Hazouri

65-Mercedes Camarena Abreu

66-Fausto López Solís

67-Tomás Durán Garden

68-Vicente Castillo

69-Pedro Alegría Soto

70-Germán Castro García

71-Mario Torres Ulloa

72-Amílcar Romero

73-Francis Vargas Francisco

74-Cesar A. Díaz Filpo

75-Luís René Canaán Rojas

76-Félix Vásquez Espinal

77-Heinz Vieluf Cabrera

78-Carlos Castillo Almonte

79-Ruth Helen Paniagua Guerrero

80-Félix Castillo

81-Hugo Núñez

82-Alejandro Jerez Espinal

83-Ramón Dilepcio Núñez Pérez,

84-Alfredo Martínez

85-Ramón Antonio Cabrera

86-Luís Romeo Jiménez Caminero

87-Albert Elías Atallah Lajan

88-Víctor Orlando Bisonó Haza

89-Edwin Alexander Cabrera Peguero

90-José Enrique Gomera Sánchez

91-Euclides Reyes

92-Nisson Iván Feliz Feliz

93- Víctor Orlando Bisonó Haza

94- Albert Elías Atallah Lajan

95- Cristian Paredes

96- Alfredo Martínez

97- Heinz Vieluf Cabrera

98-Marcelo Hofke

99-Marcos Severino

100-Frank Matos

101- Ramón Radhamés Segura

102-Rafael Humberto Villalona

103- Juan Roberto Rodríguez Hernández

104-Rafel G. Suero Miliano

105- Francisco Álvarez

106-César Sánchez

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