Local July 6, 2018 | 12:22 pm

The country has changed, doesn’t accept impunity: mogul

Santiago.- National Business Council (Conep) president Pedro Brache on Thurs. warned that corruption should be attacked and those responsible indicted and convict .

He also warns that the pending cases should be taken to the “ultimate consequences.”

The Rica Group CEO affirmed that the country has changed and doesn’t accept impunity, so politicians should understand that corruption is something that worries the people and even international organizations.

“As a country, we must understand that corruption is an evil that must be attacked. All institutions responsible for enforcing the law and administering justice must play, without rest, their part of charging and condemning anyone who has committed acts of corruption. We hope that the processes that are being prosecuted by the Justice Ministry and Judicial Power are carried to the ultimate consequences,” the business leader said.

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