Local August 3, 2018 | 1:49 pm

49.8% of voters under 40 years old

File photo from eldia.com.do

Santo Domingo.- More than seven million voters have been registered to date for the 2020 elections. Of the 7,314,940 registered voters, 3,649,695 are between the ages of 16 and 40, representing 49.86% of the total.

Within this group, the largest number of voters (1,736,634) is between the ages of 20 and 30, followed by the 30-40 age group with 1,489,304 or 20.36% of the voting public. The third largest group is the 40-50s, with 1,331,113 registered. The 50-60 age group is made up of 1,095,875 voters or 18.20% of the total, and the 60-70 group totals 700,162 or 9.57%.

The smaller groups are made up of new voters, between the ages of 16 and 19, with 423,757 voters or 5.79% of the total, and the 70-80-year-olds, 356,843 or 4.88%.

Women make up the majority. Of the 7,314,940 total registered voters, 3,740,471 are women and 3,574,469 are men.

There has been an increase of 549,695 new voters compared to 2016.

A total of 4,708,746 citizens voted in the 2016 elections, a 69.60% turnout.

The countdown to the municipal elections in February 2020 and congressional and presidential elections in May 2020 has already started. The Central Electoral Board (JCE) is working on the electoral calendar, which starts on September 18th.

As part of the organization of the next elections, the JCE has issued an electoral board ruling that establishes the requisites for the members of the 158 boards nationwide. Th judge coordinating the electoral board commission, Carmen Imbert Brugal, has called on members of the public to come forward and take part in the selection process.

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