Local August 7, 2018 | 12:41 pm

Many ruling party leaders have formed mafias: Greens

María Teresa Cabrera, Green leader. Photo elnuevodiario.com.do

Santo Domingo.- The grassroots movement Marcha Verde (Green March) on Mon. handed out flyers prior to the March of the Million set for Sunday, and affirmed that a large part of the members of the ruling PLD party’s top echelon, the Political Committee, has pending cases filed by citizens affected by their corruption dating back two decades.

According to the group, the Political Committee has become a supra-State power structure, “which controls the Justice, the Congress and the Justice Ministry to prevent criminal prosecution of several of its members and officials linked to the theft of public funds in the last years.”

“We’re going to the March of the Million to demand that Justice be equal for all, that the law be enforced equally to the humblest of Dominicans and to all the members of the party leadership who have been directly related to the management and approval of contracts like those of Odebrecht and mafia entities,” the Greens said during a gathering at a busy intersection of the Naco sector, from where Sunday’s march will start at 9am.

They reiterated the call to mobilize that will be carried out in a civic, peaceful and family manner, “as is customary in its manifestations.”

They said that at this time a team refines the final details to ensure the best conditions before, during and after the 3-kilometer route of the protest that will end at the Centro de los Heroes (La Feria).


email marchadelmillonrd@gmail.com, @ceroimpunidadrd on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram. The movement is using the #1delMillon label to encourage users of social networks to confirm their participation.

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