Local September 7, 2018 | 2:47 pm

Top official heaps Dominican tyrant’s adulation on Medina

G. Castillo, R. Trujillo.

Santo Domingo.- Public Works minister, Gonzalo Castillo, on Thurs. labeled president Danilo Medina as the “benefactor, philanthropist and best president” in Dominican Republic history.

The heaping accolade came at ribbon cutting for four schools in La Vega province (central), headed by Medina and senior officials.

Castillo is one of the most vocal supporters of Medina’s presidential reelection bid.

The moniker “benefactor” was frequently used during the dictatorship of Rafael Trujillo, whose bloody regime lasted from 1930 until 1961. Trujillo labeled himself as “benefactor and Father of the New Republic.”

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