Odebrecht graft case defendant returns before permit expired

V. Diaz, left, second row. Photo elnuevodiario.com.do
Santo Domingo.- “I did not stay in Spain, I’m in the Dominican Republic, I came sooner than agreed, because I trust the judges of the Dominican Republic,” said Odebrecht graft case defendant and former Public Works minister Víctor Díaz Rúa upon his return at Las Americas Airport.
Dozens of airport officials of several government agencies including military scurried in haste to avoid the cameras.
Alleging health issues Díaz, traveled to Madrid on a 15-day permit granted by Francisco Ortega, the judge which hears the case and which involves other former government officials, a senator, as well as businessmen, including Ángel Rondón, the alleged “bagman” accused of managing the US$94.0 million in bribes.
Diaz flew to Spain on September 3 and the deadline to return to the country expired midnight Tuesday.