Local November 21, 2018 | 8:11 am

Central Bank to IMF: forecast growth is 6.5%

Santo Domingo.- The International Monetary Fund (IMF) mission that visited Dominican Republic for a routine evaluation on the economy held the closing meeting, in which Central banker Héctor Valdez Albizu stressed this year’s growth forecast of around 6.5%.

He said inflation levels in 2019 will continue within the target range defined by the Monetary Program.

Valdez told the mission that the Dominican economy will continue to perform well, “which will help send good signals to internal and external investors, reflected in high growth, low inflation and stability in the exchange rate.”

For its part, the IMF said the exchange rate is in keeping with the strong macroeconomic fundamentals and praised the contracting of a digital platform to improve the operations of the foreign exchange market, and the advances in the Central Bank’s capitalization through negotiations with the Finance Ministry to amend the Recapitalization Law, which should be debated in Congress.

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