Local November 28, 2018 | 8:27 am

Odebrecht US$92.0M graft case accused lose a court round

A. Bautista. Fike

Santo Domingo.- A Supreme Court special justice on Tuesday refused to hear the challenges filed by Andrés Bautista and Conrado Pittaluga against judge Francisco Ortega Polanco refusal to decline the Odebrecht case to a National District court.

The high court’s 2nd Chamber on Tues. notified the defendants of the decision in the US$92.0 million bribes case.

The Special Instruction judge ruled against the accused, who affirmed that the Office of the Prosecutor’s evidence is unrelated to those attributed to senator Tommy Galán, who by law has privilege of jurisdiction.

After ruling against the motion, Ortega confirmed that the next hearing is scheduled for Thursday, Nov. 29.

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