Dominicans prepare to celebrate Christmas Eve as a family

Normally, in the Dominican Republic, a dinner is made up of rice, meat, pasta, leaf cakes and vegetables, among others.
Today, December 24, Dominicans are preparing to celebrate Christmas Eve, a holiday where many decide to meet with family and friends to share traditional dishes of the season and celebrate together.
Diario Libre took a tour through the streets of Santo Domingo to see the plans of the Dominicans for this reverential date full of emotions.
Many of the interviewees said they decided to stay in the capital, while others traveled to the different provinces of the country, all with a common goal to spend Christmas Eve as a family.
For Dionisia Enríquez, housewife, the important thing in these dates is to spend it with family and tranquility. She says that although many of the products used for these dates such as fruits, pork, among others, have risen considerably in price, she will try to make a modest dinner, but that is to the liking of their loved ones.
Spend it as a family and enjoy a dinner consisting of baked chicken, lasagna and different salads, in addition to some drinks to “brighten up” the night, is the plan of Yudelkis Pérez. Pérez says that as with every year, she prepares to have a good time with her family.
While Santa Garcia decided to spend the evening in the church, he visits, to thank God for what he has obtained during this year.
Fresnel de Jesús, who lives in Monte Plata and came to Santo Domingo for some Christmas shopping with his wife and daughter, expresses that he wants to spend it in the tranquility of his home with his loved ones. He tells that he came to the capital for clothes and shoes for the family, to spend the Christmas holidays in the best possible way they are able.
In the Dominican Republic the Christmas Eve dinner varies according to the region and the economic possibilities of the Dominicans, but in general, among the dishes found in Dominican homes on the night of December 24 is puya pig, Russian salad, leaf cakes, baked chicken, and Telera (rolls), among others.
The cost of the Christmas Eve dinner varies according to the quantity and variety of the dishes.
In previous years, according to journalistic investigations, it was around RD $ 4 thousand and 5 thousand pesos for a middle-class family of six. This year the cost remains nearly the same with a few exceptions.
The Christmas festivities are the ideal time to reconnect with the family, and many take advantage of the holidays to travel to different parts of the country to see their loved ones and enjoy the Christmas Eve dinner together.
Also, hundreds of Dominicans living abroad, especially the United States, take the opportunity to return to the country during these festivities.