Economy January 2, 2019 | 10:20 am

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Medina trusts that 2019 will be an economically and socially positive year

Presidente Danilo Medina

President Danilo Medina sent a message of congratulations to his compatriots on the occasion of the New Year and trusted that 2019 will be positive both economically and socially.

“Let’s keep alive the faith that 2019 will be a positive year for the country in economic and social terms; a year in which violence disappears from our panorama, leading to greater respect, harmony, and solidarity among all citizens, “Medina said in a message released by the Presidency in a statement.

At the same time, he pointed out that “we need to set ourselves objectives and affordable goals to which we give a strong dose of hope, capable of supporting the efforts that will allow us to achieve the goals we intend to attain for our loved ones and ourselves.”

Medina pleaded that this hope is accompanied by the necessary confidence and optimism “to inspire our daily work, with the firm intention of improving ourselves as individuals and as citizens,” the statement added.

He also said that the government “will continue the struggle undertaken six years ago, with the firm commitment to democratize Dominican society, overcoming inequalities with the creation of jobs that help fight poverty and raise the quality of life of the least financially secure.”

At the end of his message, the president urged the citizens to enjoy this traditional celebration “with moderation and absolute respect for the integrity of the life of the entire population.”

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