Local January 3, 2019 | 9:49 am

Dominican Republic joins the big league

Miguel Vargas at UN Dominican Republic joins the big league

New York.- The Dominican Republic entered through the door of world diplomacy yesterday when it debuted as a member of the Security Council of the United Nations (UN) and presided over this body for January.

Dominican Foreign Minister, Miguel Vargas, said that the theme chosen for the Presidency considers the impacts on peace and security, caused by natural disasters or environmental degradation.

At a press conference held at the United Nations headquarters, he indicated that this issue is of particular importance to the Dominican Republic, the Caribbean countries and the small island states that, due to their geographical situation, are highly vulnerable to the effects of these natural catastrophes.

Vargas said that other priority issues to which the Dominican Republic will be paying attention during its stay in the Security Council are: cybersecurity and the proliferation and illicit use of small arms and light weapons.

“We are overwhelmed by the desire to contribute to the necessary debates to enrich the capabilities of the Security Council and to encompass the multidimensionality of these new risks to international peace and security.”

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