Local January 25, 2019 | 8:12 am

Dominican Republic’s decision to back Guaidó was ‘rushed’

J. Guaido.

Santo Domingo.- The step Dominican Republic took to recognize Juan Guaidó over Venezuelan president Nicolás Maduro was labeled Thursday as “unbridled and rushed” in diplomatic terms by political scientist Manuel Cruz.

He said international relations have an element that is indissoluble to the policies of every State, for which the “cultural geography of the peoples cannot be at stake when making a decision of that nature.”

“I say this because the Dominican Republic, one could never imagine that it would be coinciding with a position by the OAS (Organization of American States) almost or equal to the same manner that it has used with other disguised elements to give what could be called, including a disguised as a coup d’état in Venezuela, regardless of whether we agree that Maduro (Nicolás) must leave power,” Cruz said, interviewed by Diario Libre.

Cruz reiterated his rebuke for the Dominican Government’s position, which on Thursday joined several OAS countries in supporting Guaidó, who proclaimed himself president of Venezuela. He said it “isn’t becoming” to the Dominican Republic to legitimize it, “because it was a victim, precisely of the rudeness of the United States with the support of the OAS in 1965.”

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