Local February 4, 2019 | 1:39 pm

Expert says stricter traffic laws are just the beginning

Santo Domingo.- Traffic and transport expert Víctor González Germán on Mon. praised the recent measures by the authorities to improve mobility but cautioned that they must be sustainable.

The industrial engineer said that to tackle the transit problem the different sectors must participate, but political will above all.

He agrees with the unification of the mobility entities as an initial measure “but not enough, since traditionally in the system of land transport operate without a unifying and coordinating plan of actions that try to produce the synergies that a highly complex system like this one needs.”

With regard to the mechanisms that seek more order in the transport service, González said that a systemic solution must be found so that the measures can be appreciated. “These impacts will not be seen immediately, rather progressively.”

“With isolated measures and without monitoring over time, positive impacts are not felt by the citizens,” he said.

On the disrespect of the law by motorists, the expert stressed that violators must face the consequences. “They must cover everyone who violates it, since impunity is everywhere.”

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