Local February 21, 2019 | 7:46 am

Industries say Electric Pact won’t solve the sector’s problems

Power barge.

Santo Domingo.- The Herrera National Industries Association (ANEIH) on Wed. said that the way in which the Electric Pact is conceived will not solve the sector’s problems, because in their view doesn’t consider the fundamental aspects or delves into the main distortions in the system’s structure.

The business association cautioned that even if it decides to sign the Electricity Pact, when the opportunity comes to do so, it “will remain firm in the position it has held throughout the discussion process of the agreement within the Economic and Social Council.

“As long as the electricity sector does strike the political component and the struggle of interests that interact with each other, we will continue with great obstacles to solve this problem,” the ANEIH said, in response to the government’s decision to postpone the signing of the agreement, which had been scheduled at the National Palace yesterday.

With its decision, it adds, to participate in the signing of the Electric Pact “we want to send a signal that we are a business institution with good sense, that we reflect on the promotion of dialogue and consultation, in the understanding that our decisions are oriented towards what is most convenient for ANEIH and Dominican society.”

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