Local February 26, 2019 | 2:30 pm

Caracas crisis sparks Dominican Republic President’s blunder

D. Rodriguez.

Santo Domingo.- Outlet El Nacional on Tues. reports that it tried to ask if the Foreign Minister had apprised the Presidency of his conversation on Wed., Feb. 20 with Venezuela vice president, Delcy Rodríguez.

“El Nacional published last Sunday that everything seems to indicate that Foreign Minister, Miguel Vargas did not communicate to the Executive Branch the contact he had with the vice president of the government of Nicolás Maduro, regarding Venezuela’s complaints that the United States would use the Dominican territory to attack the South American country,” the outlet reports.

The revelation evidences Vargas’ contradiction with Government spokesman, Roberto Rodríguez Marchena, who on Friday the 22nd denied that the Venezuelan authorities have “made contact with our country by any means or to alert us about any situation or any other reason.”

Vargas admitted having a conversation with Delcy Rodríguez on Wednesday the 20th, while the presidential spokesman said that allegations that Dominican territory was being used as a base to attack Venezuela militarily were false.


The Delcy Rodriguez faux pa and the designation of two diplomats bothe to represent the country before self-proclaimed president Juan Guaido and Maduro is yet another major blunder by Dominican president Danilo Medina.

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