Local March 11, 2019 | 3:44 pm

Greens to start targeting corrupt officials, in courts

Off to 'jail'

Santo Domingo.- The Marcha Verde (Green March) movement on Monday announced the start of a campaign of formal complaints against government officials involved in alleged acts of corruption and violation of the Public Service Law.

Spokesperson Rainilda Rodríguez said the first to be charged will be Justice minister, Jean Alain Rodríguez, who on March 4 “made illegitimate, irresponsible objections without reservation to the candidacy of judge Miriam Germán Brito, during the public hearing to evaluate the performance of the Justices of the Supreme Court.”

She said the Green March is outraged because those procedural violations “done deliberately, seeking to cast doubt on acts of corruption to a historic and prominent judge of independent legal criteria highly known in the Dominican Republic for her exemplary and honest performance.”

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