Local March 16, 2019 | 10:00 am

Abinader says his “change campaign” seeks to make the DR a country of rights and opportunities

Luis Abinader, presidential candidate of the PRM.

WASHINGTON. – Luis Abinader, presidential candidate for the Modern Revolutionary Party (PRM), declared on Friday that his campaign for the general elections of May 2020 is focused on the shared purpose with society to organize a country of citizens, with rights and opportunities for all.

“We have established new ways of doing politics and of reconnecting with fundamental social actors, through a direct and participative communication of the people, together with which we are structuring and adjusting our proposals and commitments of government,” he explained.

As examples of this new relationship between his presidential project and the citizens, he cited his Listening to People program, which interacts with community representatives from all over the country, with whom he talks at length about his needs, aspirations and national and local expectations.

United for Change, he illustrated, is another program that has allowed him to hold sectoral exchanges face to face with women, youth, athletes, the educational sector, small and medium enterprises, lawyers and others, with whom he has discussed the public policies to be developed by the Government of Change.

He explained that together with his team of specialists in public policies, and with international advice, he has presented specific proposals for solutions in aspects such as citizen security, control of overflowing debt, public deficit, quality spending, education and quality public health, management and provision of water in quantity and quality, efficient and transparent government, control of corruption and impunity, etc.  

“We have unmasked the government by denouncing the announcements of an economic growth that does not generate equity and based on indebtedness to the country in an irresponsible manner, acquiring debt to pay interest on the debt in unsustainable amounts in the economy,” he said.

He pointed out that due to the relevance that the government of change will have in the shared management of government-private initiative, it is shaping the Presidential Cabinet, under the coordination of the prominent manager Lisandro Macarrulla, a past leader and president of the National Council of Private Enterprise.

 And given the need to combine actions and purposes with political parties and different sectors and independent personalities, presented to the former Vice President of the Republic, Milagros Ortiz Bosch, a figure of recognized citizen values, to promote the concerted efforts of forces willing to join in a national agreement for the change.

“We are not running a traditional campaign of political marketing, but articulating a new relationship between politics and citizens, shaping the proposals and commitments to be materialized in the Government of Change,” he said.

The economist and political leader made the statements in his conference Political Campaign for Change, presented at the conclusion of the Seminar on Strategy of Electoral Campaigns, which brought together from 11 of today’s statesmen, leaders, leaders and political consultants from around the world, in The George Washington University, of the North American capital.

Abinader highlighted among its political initiatives, the structuring of Women with Luis, and Youth Luis Abinader President (JLAP), under the coordination of the Change Team, a successful structure of managers and political cadres coordinated by the prominent political and academic leader Roberto Fulcar.

The JLAP has just celebrated the My Talent for Change contest, an innovative work experience that mobilized thousands of artistic talents from all over the country, as an advancement of the opportunities that young Dominicans will have in the Government of Change.

Abinader came to Washington accompanied by Eligio Jáquez, vice president of the PRM, Eilyn Beltrán, Julio Peña and Miguel Antonio Núñez Herrera.

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