Local April 4, 2019 | 3:07 pm

Medina vows to never violate freedom of expression

Santo Domingo.- President Danilo Medina on Thursday said his government will neither violate freedom of expression nor the entire population’s right to information.

The president sent a “congratulatory hug” to the men and women dedicated to the task of informing and orienting the people on national and international events.

“I want to express my sincere appreciation for their contribution to the development of the nation, the formation of public opinion and respect for institutions, through an objective professional exercise and attached to the truth of events,” Medina said to mark the Day of the Journalist.

He added that journalists are the suitable promoters of social wellbeing to sustain and transmit to society ethical and moral principles able to guide and mold the behavior of others. “It is a duty of the government to ratify that it never violates freedom of expression, nor will it allow the right to information of the entire population to be violated.”

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