Local April 16, 2019 | 3:21 pm

High temps registered in several regions of DR

The heat is ON!

Uncommonly high temperatures up to 35 degrees Celsius are occurring in the northwest and southwest regions, while the chances of rains in a large section of the national territory are still scarce, due to the incidence of a high-pressure system, the National Meteorological Office (Onamet) reported.

This afternoon there will be no rain in Santiago, Puerto Plata, Duarte, Peravia and Azua, according to the Onamet forecast.

However, in Santo Domingo, there could be occasional showers in the afternoon, as reported by meteorologist Claudio Amparo.

There will also be showers in La Altagracia, San Pedro de Macoris, La Romana, La Vega, Monseñor Nouel, San Cristóbal, Samaná and Barahona, produced by the predominant local effects in those places.

In the last hours the highest temperature was registered in Dajabón and Loma de Cabrera, at 35 degrees; they are followed by San Juan, Jimaní and Santiago Rodríguez, with 34; and Santiago and Villa Altagracia, with 33, according to the records of the Hydrometeorology division of Onamet.

Tomorrow the anticyclonic circulation will continue affecting all the levels of the troposphere, causing good weather conditions, although some places of the northeast, southeast, southwest and mountainous regions could experience isolated thundershowers.

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