Local April 26, 2019 | 10:55 am

Dominican Govt. in the UN: abortion no, health services yes

New York.- Although the country has yet to state its position on a woman’s right to decide on her body, the Dominican Government in the April 23 UN Security Council session reaffirmed its commitment for women and girls to have access to sexual and reproductive health services.

The ratification of the government’s position comes four days after the Catholic Church’s Sermons leveled scathing critique against Danilo Medina’s administration for Dominican Republic’s woes.

In the session last Tuesday member countries voted for a resolution, after four weeks of tumultuous negotiations, to combat sexual violence and to introduce more legal guarantees and services for victims, according to outlet Pass Blue.

“It was the Dominican Republic, which shares the island of Hispaniola with Haiti in the Caribbean and is Roman Catholic, the one that stood out the most for the right of women and girls to have access to sexual and reproductive health services.”

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