Local May 14, 2019 | 4:04 pm

Forest fires have charred around 600 hectares, official says

Santo Domingo.- The fires in several forested areas, resulting from the drought across the country during nearly a year, have impacted around 600 hectares, environment minister, Ángel Estévez revealed Tues.

Interviewed by Listín Diario, the official indicated that his agency is reforesting those areas and await the start of more rains to replant more efficiently. “One of the areas where there were more fires was in San José de las Matas (north), where the drought factor favored the spread of fires.”

Another of the most affected areas was Guaigüí hill (central), where the official reported that the last major fire charred around 180 hectares. “In the Sierra de Bahoruco (southwest), during the season, less than 100, and in the area of La Vega, less than 30 hectares.”

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