Local June 6, 2019 | 4:20 pm

Of the 7,357,486 voters, 3,805,614 are women; 3,638,022 are men

Santo Domingo.- The Central Electoral Board on Thurs. said that as of May 31, the voter registry was composed of 3,805,614 women, or 51.13% of the total and the remaining 48.87%, or 3,638,022 men.

In the vote abroad figure 58 countries: 566,652 Dominicans, of which 306,827 are women and 257,430 are men.

“As of May 31 of this year, the register includes 7,357,486 voters who are of legal age, as well as 100,216 who correspond to the category of minors, and by May 2020 there are a total of 14,066 minors who will be adults,” the JCE in a press release.

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