Local June 28, 2019 | 8:09 am

Main suspect in hit on David Ortiz isn’t on Interpol list

Víctor Hugo Gómez Vásquez

Santo Domingo.- The alleged mastermind of the shooting against former Red Sox star David Ortiz isn’t on Interpol’s list of fugitives.

The name of Víctor Hugo Gómez Vásquez is not on the wanted list by Dominican or US authorities, which in March this year filed an arrest warrant against him charged with forming part of the Gulf Cartel.

Attorney General, Jean Rodríguez, said Gómez was arrested in 2011 by the National Drug Control Directorate (DNDC) for drug trafficking.

In a press conference several days ago Rodriguez said Gómez ordered the hit on Sixto David Fernández, for having reported him to the US authorities.

However, the assassins attacked Ortiz allegedly confusing him with Fernandez on the night of June 9 in a bar in Santo Domingo Este.

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