Local July 3, 2019 | 12:14 pm

What the top spy meant to say about the most wily fugitive …

S. Pared meant to say...

Santo Domingo.- Attorney general Jean Alain Rodriguez on Wed. said what National Intelligence Dept. (DNI) director Sigfrido Pared meant to say is that there are “indications” that the Attorney General’s Office and the National Police know the whereabouts of the fugitive Pedro Alejandro Castillo (Quirinito).

“I spoke with the director himself to better interpret his statements and what he told me with full sincerity, regretting that he had expressed it that way is that he understands that we have clues … there are always indications,” he said.

Rodriguez said his Office alerted Interpol, and that the National Police is conducting an investigation.

“There’s no one who has more desire than I that this man is brought to justice.”

“It’s good that you ask him, because if you listen to what he says he starts saying this is not a national security issue, this is not my issue, and then he understands and interprets that he’s not sure it’s him (Castillo), others know, then you can ask the director,” he said.

Castillo fled the Dominican Republic in 2017, after faking his death to evade a 30-year prison sentence for murder.

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