Economy July 16, 2019 | 9:55 am

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Central Bank makes changes in bills of RD $ 2,000.00 and RD $ 200.00, and the RD $ 25.00 coin


Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic.-The Central Bank of the Dominican Republic (BCRD) reported that there will be changes in the RD $ 2,000.00 and RD $ 200.00 bills, of the series 2017, as well as in the RD $ 25 peso coins, also of the series 2017 , which will circulate successively from July 15, noting that both the indicated banknotes and the currency will coexist with the denominations of previous years.

As regards the RD $ 2,000.00 bill, the Central Bank specifies that from July 15 of this year it will contain the isotype (International System of Typographic Picture Education) with the visual identity of the BCRD, which will be printed with magnetic optically variable ink, presenting a drop effect and giving the sensation of undulating sand; at the same time, changing the position of the bill, a change of color from green to blue.

The BCRD indicates that the isotype will be accompanied by the denomination value in numerical characters and that the bill will keep the same security measures as the others of the same value that currently circulate.

As for the RD $ 200.00 bill, the Central Bank states that as of September 15, 2019, it will contain the isotype with the visual identity of the BCRD printed with optically variable ink. When the bill changes position, the isotype produces a color change from pink to green. It will be accompanied by the value of the denomination in numerical characters.

Another modification, in this case, is the variation in the size of the image of the Mirabal sisters and the relocation of their names with respect to series prior to 2017. This banknote will keep the same security measures as the RD $ 200.00 bills that are currently circulating.

The change in the RD $ 25.00 coin currency will occur from September 30 of the current year, and will consist of the inclusion of the registration of DOMESTIC PESOS under the National Coat of Arms, in compliance with Article 229 of the Constitution of the Republic and Article 25, literal c), of the Monetary and Financial Law No.183-02.

The BCRD states that both bills and the currency, of the series 2017, will coexist with those of the same denomination of previous years, which will maintain their purchasing force for the payment of public and private obligations.

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