Local August 1, 2019 | 11:22 am

Leading outlet: State Electric Utility CEO should resign

R. Jimenez B.

Santo Domingo.- State Electric Utility (CDEEE) CEO Rubén Jiménez Bichara, is the campaign manager for Gonzalo Castillo, the latest of Danilo Medina’s former cabinet officials to announce a bid for the presidential candidacy.

Jiménez is a veteran political leader of electoral campaigns, including Medina’s in 2016 and 2012.

“Like the candidacy, the campaign manager is the second most important position in a political project. So it is valid to question whether Jiménez Bichara may lead, for at least the next three months, the responsibility of being the head of a political campaign and of the State Electric Utility,” asks leading outlet Dario Libre.

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