Local August 9, 2019 | 4:06 pm

Human Rights group wants Antinarcotics dissolved


Santo Domingo.- The International Human Rights Organization (ODIH) on Fri. asked president Danilo Medina to dissolve the National Drug Control Directorate (DNCD) and the Central Police Anti-Drug Directorate (DICAN) for the alleged levels of corruption incurred by its members.

“Replacing the DNCD and DICAN could create patronages that involve civil society for prevention and the enforcement part stay in hands of the Ministry of Defense,” said ODIH president, Alberto Díaz, in a press conference with other members.

He said both entities instead of confronting the drug trafficking that affects the country have been complicit and manufacturers of criminals to operate that business. “These agencies place drugs on young people to ruin their lives and not get jobs and then their own members force them to sell controlled substances to shake them down.”

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