Forecast is scattered showers and very hot

The National Meteorology Office (ONAMET) forecasts that locally-focused downpours will occur with possible thunderstorms in the Northeast region and the Cordille National Office of Meteorology (Onamet) predicts that regional downpours will occur with possible thunderstorms in the Northeast region and the Central mountain range due to the effects of a tropical wave that will be passing over the national territory.
The dust of the Sahara will limit the rain today in much of the country.
Temperatures will remain hot, ranging between 33 and 35 degrees Celsius (91-95°F), so it is recommended to drink enough fluids, wear light clothes and avoid sun exposure for prolonged periods between 11:00 am and 4:00 pm, which are the hours of strongest sunshine.
ONAMET predicts partly sunny–partly cloudy conditions for the province of Santo Domingo with scarce rainfall.
Predictions for the National District are for mostly clear skies with minimal chance for rain.
Tomorrow will be cloudy with heavy rains and isolated thunderstorms over the Northeast, Southeast and Central Cordillera regions due to a tropical wave.