Local August 17, 2019 | 8:14 am

Montás guarantees a welfare society for all

GUERRA, Santo Domingo Oeste – The engineer Temístocles Montás, a candidate for the presidential nomination by the Dominican Liberation Party, proclaimed that he feels committed to the establishment of a society of welfare for all, where citizens enjoy economic rights, access to health, education, housing and employment with quality salaries.

“What it is about is that the country not be polarized between a group of rich and another of poor, what it is about is to achieve a society that can be intermediary between rich and poor and that to some extent is the one that decides the destiny of the nation,” said Montás, betting on the emergence of a middle class that can live with its fundamental problems solved.

“It is no longer about people having access only to good food, but also having access to a decent life, housing in a healthy environment, that you can have a means of transportation, that is what today defines a middle-class family all over the world,” stressed the presidential candidate by speaking in front of hundreds of followers, including candidates for congressional and municipal government candidates.

Montás understands that once the struggle for freedom and democracy has been overcome, in the Dominican Republic what is imposed now “is to achieve a country for all, a nation of included, not excluded, where we all become proud.”

He indicated that the great task that young people have today is to demand the elimination of social inequality. “We conquer civil and political rights; you have the responsibility now to conquer the right to economic well-being, to have quality education and health care, the right to have decent housing, a decent salary job so everyone can live with their forehead up,” he said.

I express that we are committed to achieving the presidency of the Republic on the ballot of the Dominican Liberation Party, emphasizing that among all the candidates for the presidential nomination by this organization is the only one that has prepared to motorize and promote the renewal of this society.

Montás led a busy schedule throughout this week in various parts of the province of Santo Domingo that began Tuesday at kilometer 8 and a half of the Sanchez road, followed Wednesday in Santo Domingo Este, Thursday in Invivienda and Guerra, and you come in Boca Chica and Santo Domingo Oeste.

Accompanied among others by Jhovanny Leyba, leader of the wholesale trade sector and Fernando Sánchez, Operational Coordinator of his presidential project, Montás also held meetings with “Peledeista” leaders in each of the places visited, including aspiring deputies, mayors, and councilors.

In Guerra, where Montás led a full house meeting, Yoli Rosario spoke, aspiring to a shopkeeper, while in Brisas del Este, in Circumscription # 3, Julia Ventura, local project coordinator, and aspiring councilor, spoke before hundreds of people who also filled the premises that served as a shelter for the activity.

Montás said that a government headed by him would begin by giving clear signs of change and renewal, guaranteeing women the rightful role in society and incorporating them to have an equal role to that of men in the direction of the ministerial cabinet. He regretted that of 22 ministries that exist in the country; only three are under the direction of women.

In this order, he guaranteed that if he becomes president of the Republic, 11 of those ministries will become controlled by women “because the time has come to give more participation to that being who is not only half of the population, but the mother of the other half.

“We have to eliminate the macho tendency that has prevailed in this country that power belongs only to men. This is not the case if we want an egalitarian society; we have to start giving more participation to women,” he insisted.

Montás also addressed the young people present at the activity and told them that the country has entered a new stage after overcoming the repression of public liberties that prevailed between the decades of the 60s, 70s, and 80s and that now it is about demanding the elimination of social inequality and that people have the right to live in peace.

“I pledge in front of you to accomplish this task, to move this country forward,” said Montás, inviting him to be favored with the vote in the Peledeista primaries to be held on October 6.

He also took the opportunity to urge that if someone “appears asking him who his candidate is” that they have no fear in answering that it is “Juan Temístocles Montás.”


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