Dominican Republic: enough corruption already

Enough of president Medina already.
Santo Domingo.- The Basta ya “Enough already” movement affirmed Thurs. that the Dominican Republic is saturated with corruption, so it called on the population to protest against this “social cancer” that it said is destroying and impoverishing the country.
The coordinators of the movement said that a group of corrupt people embedded in the last governments “have robbed the country in a blatant manner.”
They said that the theft of public funds has been the main cause of the increase in poverty and extreme poverty in which millions of Dominicans live.
They affirmed that corruption is also linked to the high unemployment rate in the country, where most young people don’t have work, “calamities are happening despite the fact that many of them are professionals and technicians in different branches of knowledge.”
They also criticized crime and crime, which keeps the population terrified and called on the sectors of society to wake up and react to so much corruption. “You have to take the streets to prevent this group of corrupt embedded in the government continue sucking the people’s money,” they said in a document delivered to the press.