Local September 6, 2019 | 12:38 pm

Dominican Republic extraditions in ‘Abuser’ case(Update)

S. Gomez. Photo minutoaminuto.com.do

Santo Domingo.- Update; Sergio Gómez Díaz,

will be held until extradition …The Prosecutor’s Office on Fri. withdrew the accusation against Sergio Gómez Díaz, to pave the way for his extradition to the United States, in connection to the case of César el Abusador.

The defendant didn’t agree to sign it voluntarily, so the judge proceeded to rule pretrial detention as requested by deputy prosecutor Andrés Chalas.

The United States representative, who was at the hearing, also requested Gómez’s imprisonment, noting that he faces three counts of conspiracy to distribute cocaine and heroin in New York.

Baltazar Mesa and José Jesús Tapia Pérez have already agreed to extradition to the US.

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