Local October 8, 2019 | 3:15 pm

Ibero-American commanders gather to improve security

Santo Domingo. For Ibero-American countries to enact better security and defense policies jointly, the commanders of the military agencies are gathered in the country to promote and implement specialized courses for civilians and officers in crime prevention.

The senior officials will discuss the issues during the XX Conference of Directors of Defense Colleges of Latin America, meeting in the country from Monday 7 to Friday 11 in salons of the Sheraton hotel in the National District.

At the opening ceremony, Defense Minister Rubén Darío Paulino was represented by Rear Admiral Enrique Acosta, Deputy Minister of Defense for Naval and Coastal Affairs.

The event is attended by the directors of Defense Colleges from Brazil, Bolivia, Chile, Colombia, Spain, Guatemala, Mexico, Nicaragua, Peru, Portugal, Uruguay and the United States as special guests.

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