Garbage clusters increase in Greater Santo Domingo
An increase in the amount of garbage is recorded during the last days in streets and avenues of the municipalities Santo Domingo East, Norte, West, and the National District.

President Antonio Guzmán Street, Invivienda Santo Domingo. ( DIARIO LIBRE / EDDY VITINI )
On a tour of Greater Santo Domingo you could see makeshift dumps in the National District, mainly on Mella Avenue almost corner Archbishop Meriño; in Juan Parra Alba, Vicente Noble and Pepillo Salcedo, among others.

Mella Avenue almost corner Archbishop Meriño. ( DIARIO LIBRE / EDDY VITINI )

Garbage in the street Juan Parra Alba, National District. ( DIARIO LIBRE / EDDY VITINI )
In Santo Domingo East there was lots of trash on Calle Cuarta, in the Ralma sector, Avenida de la Pista, Mella and Fray Bartolomé de Las Casas.

Fourth Street, in Ralma Santo Domingo Este. ( DIARIO LIBRE / EDDY VITINI )
While in Santo Domingo North, until noon, there were several mounds of garbage dumped on Charles de Gaulle Avenue, from the Sabana Perdida road to the Ney Arias Lora hospital. Likewise, on Hermanas Mirabal Avenue.
The Mayor’s Office attributed the situation to a deficit of trucks, but more were expected to become operational as of Wednesday. In Santo Domingo West there is a garbage dump in Los Lirios street, in the Buenos Aires sector, in Herrera, as well as in several streets of the Altagracia widening.
According to some authorities, the routes and frequency of garbage collection are still carried out routinely, so the increase in waste is not explained.