Local October 24, 2019 | 9:28 am

Patients with dengue symptoms generate greater demand in hospitals

At the Robert Reid Cabral Children's Hospital, respiratory conditions represent the main cause of admission.

Patients suffering from respiratory conditions due to the different viruses that are currently circulating in the country and those who are suspected of dengue fever are the ones with the highest incidence in the demand for medical attention.

The high incidence that occurs in emergencies, outpatient consultations and hospitalizations affect not only the health facilities of the public network, but also private centers, where the occupancy of beds is high, especially as a result of complications in asthmatic patients, or those who have pneumonia.

The epidemiological surveillance system also records the presence in the last weeks of four cases of whooping cough, which is an infection of the upper respiratory tract, which manifests with convulsive cough and is caused by the Bordetella pertussis bacteria. So far this year, 113 cases are reported.

The president of the Association of Private Clinics and Hospitals (Andeclip), Rafael Mena, said that the increase in patients with respiratory conditions is occurring in both adults and children, but that this situation is expected for this time of year, so health centers establish protocols and criteria for hospitalization to ensure the best coverage of care.

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