Local October 25, 2019 | 6:22 am

The PLD Central Committee will elect new members of the Political Committee on Monday

Pared Perez, accompanied by other leaders, offers details of the meeting. Nicolás Monegro

Meeting was headed by President Medina and Gonzalo Castillo, presidential candidate. Interim. Temístocles Montás was appointed president.

SANTO DOMINGO.- The Central Committee of the Dominican Liberation Party was convened on Monday to receive proposals and approve, in total freedom, the new members of the Political Committee to fill the vacancies left by former President Leonel Fernández and other followers who now integrate the Force of the People. Temístocles Montás has been appointed the internal president of the PLD.

This was decided by President Danilo Medina and 23 other members who participated last night in the first meeting of the Political Committee with the absence of Fernández, Radhamés Jiménez, Rafael Alburquerque, Rubén Bichara, Bautista Rojas Gómez and Franklin Almeyda Rancier, who left the entity.

The replacement for the deceased Juan de los Santos and José Joaquín Bidó Medina will also be chosen, who has resigned due to health problems.

The members of the Central Committee were summoned for 4 pm on Monday afternoon. Reinaldo Pared Perez, general secretary of the PLD, informed that the Political Committee had not considered names to elect the new members of that organization, and the last decision was left to the Central Committee, through proposals of candidates.

In the meeting headed by President Medina, it was approved to request that the Central Committee grant powers to the Political Committee to designate the new holders of 13 secretariats that are vacant due to resignations of members that formed The Force of the People.

Likewise, it was instructed that the Organization Secretariat, which is headed by Deputy Miriam Cabral, should open the register for new registrations of supporters who want to belong to the ranks of Peledeism.

A commission formed by Temístocles Montás, Ramón Ventura Camejo, Francisco Javier García and Miriam Cabral was entrusted by the Political Committee to develop an action plan to be discussed at the next meeting of this body set for Tuesday, starting at 7 pm.

In addition to President Medina and Pared Perez, the meeting of the Political Committee of the PLD they participated presidential candidate Gonzalo Castillo, José Ramón Fadul, Eduardo Selman, Cristina Lizardo, Miriam Cabral, Julio Cesar Valentin, Euclides Gutierrez Felix, Radhames Camacho, Abel Martinez, Carlos Amarante Baret, Jaime David Fernández Mirabal, Temístocles Montás , Alma Fernández, Francisco Javier García, Rubén Bichara, Ramón Ventura Camejo, Lidio Cadet, Lucía Medina and Félix Jiménez.

While Vice President Margarita Cedeño de Fernández, José Tomás Pérez, and César Pina Toribio, who are Dominican ambassadors in Washington, the United States, and Argentina, presented excuses.

Possible members

– Those who spoke
Francisco Domínguez Brito, Alejandro Montás, Andrés Navarro, César Prieto, Melanio Paredes, Karen Ricardo, Miguel Mercedes, Robert de la Cruz, José Ramón Peralta, Iris Guaba and Roberto Rodríguez Marchena.

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