Local November 5, 2019 | 7:25 am

The US thanks Dominican Republic for supporting Venezuelans

Santo Domingo.- During the course of the visit by a delegation of high-ranking officials from the United States to president Danilo Medina, the Dept. of State Deputy Assistant Secretary for Canada and the Caribbean, Cynthia Kierscht, thanked the Dominican Republic for its support of the Venezuelan people.

During that meeting, in which US Ambassador Robin Bernstein also participated, US and Dominican authorities also discussed issues of joint interests for both nations.

The details of this meeting were announced by Michael G. Kozak, Acting Assistant Secretary of the Office of Western Hemisphere Affairs of the US State Department.

“Last week, Deputy Assistant Secretary Kierscht visited #RepublicaDominicana! With @PresidenciaRD and @MIREXRD, he discussed the shared priorities of Dominicans and the US. UU. under the strategy # USCaribbean2020 and thanked the Dominican Republic for its constant support of the Venezuelan people. # Year of the Caribbean,” Kozak tweeted.

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