Local November 25, 2019 | 11:59 am

Two parties pact 19 congressional seats

Photo elnuevodiario.com.do

Santo Domingo.-The major opposition (PRM) and Alpaís parties signed a partial agreement leading to the 2020 municipal and congressional elections involving 19 seats.

The agreement establishes that Alpaís will take as Senate candidates Faride Raful for the National District, Antonio Taveras Guzmán, for Santo Domingo, José Ignacio Paliza, for Puerto Plata, Pedro Catrain for Samaná, Ferris Iglesias for San Pedro and Lenni Vázquez for Monte Plata. Also Manuel Jiménez, mayoral candidate for Santo Domingo Este.

While the PRM will select Manuel Pérez Matos, candidate for senator for San Juan de la Maguana, among others.

Alpais president Guillermo Moreno said the negotiation was done with the sole purpose of removing the ruling party (PLD) from power. “It is an open agreement and nothing secret, tending to make a democratic change in the country.”

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