Outspoken journalist says Attorney General seeks to jail him
M. Zapete.
Santo Domingo.- Outspoken journalist Marino Zapete on Sun. accused Attorney General of the Republic, Jean Alain Rodríguez, of seeking to jail him for six months and pay RD$5.0 million damages for alleged sander of the official’s sister, Maybeth Virginia Rodríguez.
The journalist, who published a letter on Twitter (@Mzapete), said that in recent months he has been harassed, persecuted by the official, who allegedly made Zapete lose his job.
“I denounce before the Dominican people and before the world that the government of President Danilo Medina, through the Attorney General of the Republic, Jean Alain Rodríguez, executes an aggressive and intimidating campaign against me, as a result of the undersigned presenting on television several contracts signed by his sister Maybeth Virginia Rodríguez Sánchez, on behalf of a company called Grupo Asimra, SRL, in violation of what is established by the Law on Purchases and Public Contracts,” says the tweet.