US State Dept. recommends absentee vote

Santo Domingo.- The Foreign Ministry on Monday forwarded to the Central Electoral Board (JCE) the diplomatic note sent by the US State Dept., which recommends the absentee vote for countries that have elections this year, not in person, due to the coronavirus crisis.
So far, next May 17 the presidential and congressional elections are scheduled to take place, where 595,879 people are scheduled to vote abroad.
They recommend a voting process that does not entail the presence of citizens in the voting centers, and reiterate as an option to hold the elections by email.
“These recommendations arise as a result of the health crisis that the world is going through at the moment and consequently different states and localities are imposing restrictions such as staying at home, which will make it impossible for citizens to exercise the right to vote.”
So far, the JCE hasn’t said anything regarding the holding of the elections amid the pandemic.