Local April 22, 2020 | 8:44 am

Public Health may OK Covid19 experimental treatment

Santo Domingo.- Public Health Minister, Rafael Sánchez Cárdenas favors experimental treatments by local doctors for coronavirus cases, which have resulted in the recovery or cure of the infection in some patients.

Newspaper El Dia reports on the effectiveness of therapies applied in patients infected with Covid-19, according to the experience of infectious diseases and pulmonologists Natalia García, Evangelina Soler, David De León, César Gamalier Matos and Jhonny Tavárez Capellán.

“Although the Ministry has not approved the implementation of local protocols based on global information, due to the effectiveness of some drugs administered in a controlled manner, we have made decisions that are not necessarily authorized and validated by the Pan American Health Organization,” Sánchez said.

“We are using hydroxychloroquine, toxilizumab and other medications in a controlled way to follow up on this international inter-consulted experience.”

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