Economy May 3, 2020 | 2:07 pm

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Cibao hardware stores ask government to allow them to open

SANTIAGO. The Cibao Hardware Association (Adefeci) asked President Danilo Medina to allow them to reopen the doors of their establishments within flexible hours and to apply the safety regulations established by the Ministry of Public Health.

The president of ADEFECI, Miguel Prisciliano Núñez, stated that this entity is made up of more than 300 hardware stores that constitute one of the main sources of employment and dynamism for the economy of the northern zone.

The ironmongers propose that in a first stage said establishments affiliated to the union operate at a special time from 8:00 in the morning to 2:00 in the afternoon, in the midst of complying with the rules of social distancing within their premises and with its personnel with the corresponding clothing such as masks and gloves.

“Many of our affiliates are in a delicate situation, with multiple financial commitments to both banks and cooperatives,” explained Núñez.

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