Local June 9, 2020 | 11:02 am

Cardi B wants Dominican-Haiti fusion, pokes a hornets’ nest

Santo Domingo.- Cardi B was one of the first figures to express support for the many protests against George Floyd’s death. Now the rapper has sparked controversy by calling for the union of the Dominican Republic and Haiti.

With several images of the march in the United States, where you can see the flags of the two countries that share the island of Hispaniola and with the motto “Unity is what I represent and what I am,” the singer ignited her followers who in mostly disagree with the rapper.

“What I like. What I love! Nope does not go back and forth with that shit because that is not what I believe and will defend. Unity is what I represent and it is who I am,” comment the star of Dominican origin.

“We are two countries with two different cultures”; “Impossible”; “I do not agree” are some of the posted comments.

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