Local June 17, 2020 | 7:44 am

Dominican Republic upbeat on rebound: poll

Santo Domingo.- The Dominican Republic is one of the most optimistic countries in Latin America and the Caribbean regarding the time when the economy will rebound due to the crisis created by COVID-19, according to a poll.

The McKinsey & Company survey made during the first week of May found that almost four out of ten (40%) consumers consider that the economy will rebound in 3 months or less, which represents greater optimism than the average observed in the rest of the region.

“25 percent of Argentines are optimistic, 23 percent of Brazilians and 32 percent of Colombians,” says a statement from Antonio Novas, partner in charge of McKinsey Dominican Republic.

“As governments and organizations continue to work to contain COVID-19 and curb the rising humanitarian cost, the economic effects are also being felt. Businesses, for example, face major disruptions that force them to rethink where and how to play in the transition to the new normal. One of the most important will be its ability to adapt to the needs and habits of the new consumer.”

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