Local June 21, 2020 | 11:12 am

Agreement signed to improve quality education in the DR

In order to improve the quality of education in public and private centers of common interest, Barrick Pueblo Viejo (PVDC) and Acción Empresarial por la Educación (Educa) signed a collaboration agreement.

The union aims at formulating and executing targeted advocacy, innovation, and evaluation initiatives.

Through this commitment, both entities intend to unify collaborative efforts to apply innovative methodologies in centers sponsored by the company, which ensure that students learn, following the precepts and regulations set forth by the Ministry of Education.

The alliance was sealed between Juana Barceló, president of Barrick Pueblo Viejo, and Samuel Conde, president of Educa, in an act that was carried out virtually in the framework of the new normality that the country is developing as a result of the covid pandemic -19.

In the act, Conde recognized that Dominican education is experiencing a vital and decisive moment to reorient itself towards the quality of learning definitively.

“Undoubtedly, the situation imposed by the pandemic opens the door to the introduction of innovative pedagogical and management models, the fundamental axes of which must seek to ensure that students acquire the competencies of technologies envisaged in the curriculum in an agile, fast and user-friendly way,” emphasized Conde.

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