Local August 31, 2020 | 7:51 am

Dominican electricity distributors, a ‘debacle’

Santo Domingo.-The electricity distribution companies (EDE) became key instruments in the political-electoral scaffolding of the Dominican Republic’s then ruling party (PLD), withstanding a “debacle” in terms of expenses, bad practices and inefficiency.

Energy and Mines Minister Antonio Almonte also denounced that the EDEs report excessive expenses and are bankrupt.

He said in Latin America, on average, electricity distributors, managed on a regular basis, consume about 10% of their annual income in operating expenses, while in the case of Dominican EDEs the figure was 23% last year.

“Our plans are aimed at operating expenses, within a year, being around 15% and in 2022 we plan to bring it to 12% and then see how by 2024 it will be around 10%.”

The three electricity distributors will be subjected to a drastic cleanup in the first six months of the Administration, as a first measure, to ensure that the cost and expense levels are reasonable with their size and the work they carry out, Almonte said.

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