Local September 2, 2020 | 7:58 am

Abinader talks tough on Haitian immigration

Santo Domingo.- President Luis Abinader warned Tue. that Haitians who come to the Dominican Republic will have to do so with a work permit and once they finish, they will have to return to their country.

Interviewed by CNN en Español, Abinader said he will collaborate with the Haitian authorities to address border issues such as smuggling and illegal trafficking of Haitians.

“Here what we have to do is comply with the law, Haitians who come to the Dominican Republic have to come with a work permit and abide by the law, after they finish that job they have to return to their country.”

“What we are going to do is comply with the law, the immigration law, as any country complies with it, as the United States complies with it, as any organized society complies with it,” he said.

He stressed that the Dominican government is committed to enforce the law and work together with the Haitians since they share the same island.

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