Local September 4, 2020 | 2:10 pm

Tropical wave and trough will cause more rain in Dominican Republic

Santo Domingo, DR


Today (Friday), a new tropical wave will approach the country, which, together with a trough, will cause moderate to strong downpours accompanied by electrical storms and gusts of wind, reported the National Meteorology Office (ONAMET).

The office specified that the rainfall will occur mainly in the afternoon, towards towns in the Caribbean coastal plain, including Greater Santo Domingo, southwest, Central mountain range, and the border area.

However, generally good weather conditions will prevail for the other locations.

Yesterday afternoon there were showers, due to the incidence of the trough, in the provinces of Dajabón, Elías Piña, San Juan, Santiago Rodríguez, La Vega, San José de Ocoa, Monsignor Nouel, Sánchez Ramírez, Duarte, María Trinidad Sánchez, San Cristóbal, Monte Plata, the Great Santo Domingo and San Pedro de Macorís.

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