Local October 4, 2020 | 9:07 am

Dominican government would open border markets

President Luis Abinader will decide in the next few days the date of the restart of the border markets based on a recommendation that the Public Health authorities will make.

Once the evaluation of the sanitary protocols is made, the commissioners will inform the Head of State to order the reopening of more than 40 border markets along the 319 kilometers, as confirmed by the president of the Dajabón Merchants Association, Abigaíl Good.

The measure was discussed on Friday in two meetings held in Dajabón. The first was carried out in the Beller Army fortress and the second in the binational border market by a government delegation made up of the ministers of Public Health, Defense and Industry, and Commerce, Dr. Plutarco Arias, Lieutenant General Carlos Luciano Díaz Morfa, and Víctor. Bisonó Haza, respectively.

The delegation also includes the Army’s general commander, Major General Julio Ernesto Florián Pérez, and the directors of Customs and Migration, and the Police.

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