Local November 12, 2020 | 8:35 am

Odebrecht graft case hearing resumes

Angel Rondon,

Santo Domingo.- The First Collegiate Court of the National District continues this Thursday hearing the extensive accusation by the prosecution against the six defendants in the Odebrecht case and that has already been criticized by the defense.

In a hearing set for 9 in the morning, the Public Ministry will continue with the accusation with which it plans to reaffirm and maintain that the Brazilian company Odebrecht was awarded in the country 16 works whose contracting or financing approval were obtained through bribes to Dominican officials, and that the businessman and defendant Ángel Rondón was the main link in that chain.

Rondón’s lawyer, Jose Miguel Minier, recently responded on Twitter to a publication made by the deputy attorney and anticorruption Prosecutor, Wilson Camacho. “Look at proof of falsehood, prevarication in a manipulated accusation where there is different authorship and participation and you are part of it and defend it as if you saw binding evidence.’’

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