Trump figures in Dominican Rep. alleged fraud case

Ricardo Hazoury, Donald Trump
Santo Domingo.– The National District prosecutor on Mon. received a complaint against the presidents of the Dominican Bar Association, the Cap Cana Group and Bávaro International Airport, for alleged fraud against the State using simulated transactions to evade RD$2.0 billion (US$34.5 million ) in taxes.
The complaint was filed with lead prosecutor Rosalba Ramos, against Miguel Alberto Surún, Abraham Hazoury, Rafael Fernández, of Bávaro International Airport and the Cap Cana Group.
The charges including money laundering and conspiracy filed by the U.S. businessman Mariano González Díez and his company Maho Trading through the lawyer Jorge Lora Castillo.
According to the lawyer, the charge seeks damages for González Díez, buyer of a lot in Cap Cana for about RD$2.9 million in 2007. The payment had to go to an escrow account and the funds used for the infrastructure of Trump’s Los Farallones project, which didn’t materialize.